
Wana Wana

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DuseDuch's avatar

Literature Text

you used to say
the rain had knives
and the mist had fingers

but wana you were wrong
the rain is my cloak
and the mist is my bath

you always said
that my hair was yarn
and my eyes were dirt

but no wana that's not true
my hair is my shield
and my eyes are filled pools

you would speak
of snarling and growling
flowers that wilted and died

but now they are mine
singing and growing
and my bouquet lives with my touch

and you would preach
about steel hearts
and angels tumbling down

but no, you were wrong
hearts are glass and roses and gold
and angels are men with white carnations

you would point and and tell me
that my toes were roots
and that flying is not possible

but you were not right, wana
my feet are leaves
and I fly every day

you would rant and accuse
spring was a pleasant lie
and my legs were skinny and clean

but no, wana, no
spring is a fresh clean feeling
and my legs are a little hairy, that's all

you said that it was not real
magic and music were silly ideas
and power was everything

but they are totally real
the angels play cellos at night
and i know something stronger

you would always tell me things
the wolves howled to be feared
and there are no wild cows

but wana you told lies
the wolves ask for forgiveness
and white cows graze in backyards by moonlight

you narrowed your eyes
church organs squealed
gramophones were all broken

but no, no
church organs hum
and gramophones warble and dance

you yelled and threw china
mystery was murder
teeth all were rotten inside

but you were always angry
mystery speculates
and teeth are ivory cement

you’d curl your fists
ghosts are moving and empty air
eyes are used for understanding

but I laugh now,
because ghosts carry lamps
and eyes are used for seeing

You tripped on the top step
Whispers are gossip and scabs
Snot was children and bleeding noses

But no, wana, shut your mouth
Whispers are spells and giggles
Snot is mucus and all sorts of stuff

And you tumbled down
Men are masters
And children are slaves

And tears slipped down my cheeks
Men are friends and enemies
And children are souls

Quiet rebellion inside
Boots are shined and spotless
Dirt was germs and infection

I scratched and scraped the moss from your tombstone
Boots gape like mouths and laugh
Dirt is living and healthy

You wanted to grind into me
Pianos shriek and whimper
Ice is frozen misery

But I turned my head
Pianos stream and flow
And ice is just water in the end

I used to nod and listen
your word was law
but above your grave dew glistened
and I opened my eyes and saw
just a little wrong/right
© 2013 - 2024 DuseDuch
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zoefish's avatar
this is amazing